The Promised Land !

Two years have passed since the events of #GENESIS. In these two years, Earth has been fully restored, nature reigned in harmony with the rising communities composed of mortals and former Gods, and other entities who have been stripped away of their malice. The landscape had drastically changed from the Hell that it was during the advent of the Supreme God, Maitreya.

Thanks to the reanimation of the world via the LIFESTREAM, and the combined efforts of this new society the manifestation of bright orbs of various colors(blue, yellow, red, purple) have manifested sporadically across the globe. These orbs are MATERIA, which grant the user the ability to cast a multitude of spells depending. These may include elemental abilities, healing abilities, defensive spells, and even the amplification or reduction of statuses.

Earth had become a paradise after its seemingly absent deity, Sephiroth, vanquished the malignant deity that stirred #ESCHATON and #GENESIS. Alas, in order to achieve such a world, pivotal parts of what composes the complexity of being alive had to be taken.

Our most hideous desires, the dark voices that told us to commit the deeds we know are wrong, yet exciting all the same. The evil that corrodes life was stripped from those living in this new garden of Eden and locked away within a place none dared to visit due to its horrors.

The nurturing of the Lifestream for the past two years has birthed these beautiful orbs called Materia. This item is a crystallized form of the Lifestream, which enables the holder, whether they have aptitudes for magic or not, to cast a large variety of spells. Some of them are:

Be aware of the fact that the usage of Materia will draw HATRED near you. Depend on it enough and you'll have to rely more than just your Materia to stay alive.

Magic Materia Allows you to cast spells depending on their type. For example, an Ice Materia adds the Blizzard spell, while a Healing Materia adds the Cure spell.


Healing materia
Fire materia
Wind materia
Ice materia
Lightning materia
Poison materia
Cleansing materia
Barrier materia

Command Materia. Adds new Abilities to your Command menu. The Assess Materia, for example, adds the Assess ability, which grants the user the ability to scan his opponent's weaknesses, and strengths.


Item master

Support Materia These are passive — they don’t add anything to your Abilities or Spells menus. They do things like add elemental damage to your basic attacks or increase the range of spells.


Magnify materia
Elemental materia
MP up materia

Summoning Materia. Allows you to call in a deceased mythological creature that has been sealed within them ( Leviathan, Ifrit, Bahamut ) to fight by your side.


Fat Chocobo

This SL will have two sides to tell a narrative: Those fortunate to live within the Promised Land, which we will call Eden, and those unfortunate enough to be inside the hell of MINOS HATRED.

The former group, despite possessing no memories of who they were or what they've done before entering this paradise, is free to do as they like, connect with others, and have fun whilst building a harmonious community around them. Have as much fun as possible before it's too late.

Gods and Demons in this SLs are stripped of their Divinity/Demonhood, meaning that they'll be automatically transformed into normal humans in this SL.

The latter will only have two tasks at hand: survive, and escape. Escape, and expose the hidden truth behind this perfect world.

You DON'T need to be part of a faction to participate. There will be a group chat to those that wish to go to Eden and one that wishes to battle it out for their survival. Posts to join said GCc will be made by @JenovasLegacy and @adogjuja

Consistency and activity within the SL will be rewarded by participating in final/important battles and so on.

Conflicts are prohibited to escalate to planetary levels, as it is impossible.

If you have any questions in regards to the plot, rules, or even ideas you'd like to explore, you can DM @JenovasLegacy / @adogjuja.

  1. No drama. Any conflict that arises can be DMed to @JenovasLegacy, @adogjuja, @YATAGARASUISM

  2. No god-modding. If you are suspected of being godmodding, you will be automatically disqualified by HATRED

  3. No power play. If you are suspected of godmodding, you will be automatically disqualified by HATRED

  4. Be respectful towards one another. If there is an issue within RP, contact @JenovasLegacy, @adogjuja, @YATAGARASUISM

  5. Most importantly, have fun. Use this SL to develop your character and grant them new powers, narrative depth and so on.

#AMOUR, an #ALCAZAR event !

For the first two weeks of #POSTVITUM, an outdoor celebration will be made for those within Promised Land led by @astromagus and @honjaseoda. The celebration will be composed of various activities for your characters to engage into, some more competitive than others, but the most important thing of this will be the development of connections. Have your characters interact with others they would normally not have the opportunity to, have fun and explore what fruit will your threads bear !


This will be the first main activity of this event, a scavenger hunt for the Summon Materia of Leviathan! Participants will be free to choose whether they'd like to go about it as a solo or duo through the large continent of PANGAEA. Reminder, despite this being a competition, it is a friendly one. Have your fun while maintaining a mutual sense of respect with your partner and your opponents. Your threads will determine who finds the materia, but the winner will be decided by who can manage to secure it on their way back to the hub of the celebration!

duration: 8 days


To reward everyone's efforts in the scavenger hunt, the organizers have prepared a grand meal for all of those in Promised Land. Use this time to have your character cherish the peaceful world they live in while they still can.

Duration: 6 days.